How To Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Website – 4 Ways
One of my favourite ways to generate money online is through affiliate marketing. People are eager to start their affiliate marketing journey but one thing that stops them from getting started is first you need to buy a domain second purchasing the hosting third designing the website and last producing consistent content to make an earning from your affiliate links. This seems like a good plan but the problem is people do not have enough time and money. And this approach needs both of them.
So let’s dive straight to the point of how you can start affiliate marketing without website?
Yes, you can make a lot of money with your instagram account by promoting affiliate offers. Follow the steps described below:
Choose your niche:-
This is the first and the most important step before you are going to move ahead. Choose the best niche and there are a lot of factors that affect how you are going to choose the niche i.e. interest, hobby, competition and profitability. Pick up the pen and paper, start writing down these four factors according to you. In order to know about the competition and profitability you need to do research on the web.
Pick an offer to promote:-
So now that you have chosen your niche. Next thing you have to find is the perfect offer that you are going to promote on your instagram page. For finding the perfect offer you can read my related blogs below in which I have explained about a lot of different affiliate programs available in the market or if you want to find it by yourself you can visit the top affiliate network website like clickbank, shareasale, jvzoo, warrior plus etc. Find the offer that suits your niche the best and the one which is really selling well in the market.
Create your Instagram page:-
Now you have covered the above 2 steps. This is the most interesting part. Create an Instagram page around your affiliate offer that you are going to promote. For example your affiliate offer is a herbal supplement. So you need to start publishing pictures of herbal products, benefits like this in the below screenshot.

Insert the affiliate link in the bio:-
You need to insert that affiliate link in the bio section of your Instagram page. Everyone knows that you can not share multiple links in the Instagram posts. You can share only one link in the bio.
Start creating content and publishing:-
After you’ve done all of the previous step. Now the main game starts. It’s not like that people are going to come to you, click on your affiliate link and you will be earning affiliate commissions. No it doesn’t work like this! You have to do hard work. Start publishing at least 3-4 posts per day, create story posts, start reaching out to targeted audiences on Instagram. In short you have to grow your Instagram followers so that people come to your page, they will click on your bio link and ultimately you are going to earn a commission.
You can even read this amazing blog about how to grow your instagram page.
Facebook has a 1.88 billion daily active users. And you can use it to make a full time earning from affiliate marketing.
There are a lot of people who are solely earning 6 figures from their facebook groups. But now you can also utilize it in promoting the affiliate offers without any website. There are 2 methods that you can implement
Facebook Group:-
Create your own facebook group around your niche. Now the question is how you are going to increase your group members?
Start joining other related groups with a huge followers base. You are not going to spam other facebook group followers otherwise you will be kicked out of their group. The key here is joining other groups and providing value to the audience because once you are adding real value to someone’s life, they will come back to you. For example you are in a spiritual niche. Then create a post saying how you have achieved your goal and what are the changes you have seen. This way people will start commenting on your posts. Then you can direct them towards your affiliate offer and your facebook group.
Personal Facebook Account:-
You may be thinking how am I going to use my personal facebook account and even my friends are not the right audience. Which is somewhat right but how can you make sure that your friends are not interested before even testing. These people are the one who trust you and know you well. So first let’s start with creating one post about your affiliate product. Here you are not doing direct selling. Instead you can ask a sifting question For Example You know you are losing weight when _______. So now your friends will see this post and start commenting about their experiences. And when they answer your question you can direct them to your facebook group or your affiliate offer.
Pinterest is a visual search engine just like google and youtube. It is a great platform if you do not have any website to promote your affiliate offers because pinterest allows direct affiliate links in the pins you post.
You can even expect a higher conversion rate on your affiliate offers if people click on your links because it is the most used application in the United states with 98 million active users. It is a tier 1 country who have more capability of purchasing then tier 2 or tier 3.
Steps to follow:-
Pick your niche and offer:- This step is similar to the instagram one. Here also you have to choose your niche and the perfect offer you would like to promote.
Create your pinterest business account: Yes create pinterest business account because you can see the stats about user engagement, impressions and clicks.
Create 3-4 related boards:- After creating the account you have to create 3-4 related boards. For example your main niche is blogging then you can create other boards about email marketing, free traffic tips, affiliate marketing etc.
Start Publishing 5-10 Pins Daily :– Publish at least 5-10 pins daily and insert the direct affiliate links into your pins. Also repost the popular pins of others in the boards that you have just created.
Be consistent:- I can not stress it enough that you have to publish content continuously. It’s not like you published the content for one or two days and then stopped. No! it doesn’t work like that. If you want to see results then you have to put your time and effort into it.
Youtube is a great way to earn through affiliate marketing if you do not have any website. You can put direct affiliate links in the description of the video.
The main focus is releasing continuous videos to your youtube channel because when you start your own channel you will not get any views in the beginning. But if you are consistent enough in uploading the videos you will gain subscribers and views on your videos. This process will take time and you need to be patient to see the results. The earning potential is huge because you will get paid from youtube, collaborations and affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing Tips and Tricks
Right Mindset
Having the right mindset is key to success in affiliate marketing. You need to have willpower, dedication and desire to learn.
Finding The Right Niche
This is the first and the most important step when you start your affiliate marketing journey. Do your research well and choose the correct niche which is profitable.
Traffic Source
Stick to one traffic source at a time because when you put all of your effort in one traffic source whether it is paid advertisement or organic. Your efficiency in work increases and ultimately results in sales.
Build Trust And Credibility
When you offer something to your target audience. How they are going to know that what you are offering is legitimate and will solve their problem. Do not force direct selling, instead try to help your target audience. When you do this people will trust you more and come back to you again and again.
Stay On The Top Of Trends
We all know that what worked 1 year ago will not work today. So stay at the top of the trends. Continuously gain knowledge in affiliate marketing and implement it.
You will be much further ahead from your competitors and see better results.
Do not give up
When you start your affiliate marketing journey. There is always a goal in your mind because of which you started. In the beginning everyone faces failure. Seek knowledge from your failure and when you feel like giving up just try to think about your goals. It will help you in staying motivated.
Types of Affiliate marketing programs
There are a lot of affiliate programs available in the market and they pay you differently. Each one has their own benefits. So you have to decide which one you are going to choose.
Pay-Per-Lead (PPL)
The majority of companies value leads and offer pay-per-lead (PPL) compensation methods – often seen as a pay-per-action type (PPA). The rate can vary greatly from advertiser to advertiser, from industry to industry, as with most affiliate networks and compensation procedures.
Pay-Per-Sale (PPS)
The most typical compensation model is this one. According to some estimates, the PPS payout mechanism is used by over 80% of online affiliate programs.
The goal of an affiliate program that uses this type of payment reward is to increase sales through affiliate links. This is how the procedure works. An affiliate link to a product or service is shared by the affiliate. The affiliate link takes you straight to the product page on the merchant’s website, where you can purchase the item. Cookies capture the click on the buy button and the subsequent sale, even if it occurs days after the first click on the link. The affiliate receives income, which is a percentage of the sale, once the sale is completed.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
This payment model is common in search engine marketing (SEM), but it can also be utilised in affiliate marketing. The goal of this model is to identify a link click as the required action. When a user clicks on that link, the affiliate receives credit for the action, and the retailer pays the affiliate a commission.
It doesn’t matter how many times the link is shown or what happens following the click with this type of compensation plan (whether the user buys, signs up, downloads, etc.). The target is to receive as many clicks as possible.
Is affiliate marketing worth it?
Yes, absolutely it is worth your time and money. A lot of people earn 5-6 figures solely with affiliate marketing.
Is affiliate marketing legit?
Yes, lt is legit. Affiliate marketing has been in the market for more than 20 years and in the coming years also it will boom.
Is affiliate marketing hard?
Depends on you. If you follow the right path then it is easy. And if you try to scam people by putting your affiliate links around the web then it is hard.
Is affiliate marketing profitable?
Yes, According to statista, affiliate marketing spending in the United States alone is predicted to reach $8.2 billion dollars by 2022. So yes it is profitable.
Is affiliate marketing legal?
Yes, It is completely a legitimate business model which was there in the market for several years. Famous companies like amazon also have an affiliate program so how can you doubt it?
Is affiliate marketing dead?
Not yet and never will be!
Is affiliate marketing a passive income source?
Yes, it is a passive income source because it is so easy to start that you can do it as your side hustle.
Final Thoughts
After reading this blog post you have an idea about how this system works. How you can actually make money online from affiliate marketing without even having a website using amazing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and youtube. It is not that hard to start. We only make it hard by moving in the wrong direction. So now that you have the right direction, what are you waiting for? Go and crush it.
Want more? No problem!
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