How To Do Affiliate Marketing on Amazon
One of the easiest ways for a beginner to start making money online is through affiliate marketing on amazon.
Amazon affiliate program is also known as amazon associates.
You can simply apply for amazon associates, get Instant approval and start putting Amazon affiliate link on your website right away.
You get paid when someone buys something on Amazon through one of your links — it’s as easy as that.
Everyone knows amazon the big brand and due to its popularity, it also has a trust factor.
So, whenever you direct your traffic to your affiliate products of amazon, that traffic easily converts and ultimately you earn a commission on each sale referred through your link.
You see how much potential is there in joining amazon associates affiliate program.
Therefore, in this blog I will guide you through each and every step: in order to make money with it.
So, follow up with me and open up doors for making money online at comfort of your home.
How Amazon’s affiliate program works: –

First, you need to sign up amazon associates account.
Grab your affiliate link.
When someone will purchase from your affiliate link you will earn a percentage of commission on each sale referred.
One of the best things is that even if the customer does not purchase the product you recommended but they purchased a different product then you still earn a commission on that sale.
How to become successful with affiliate marketing on Amazon
Choose your niche

It is important to find a niche in which you feel comfortable writing or creating content.
Once you’ve identified a niche for which you can regularly create content, you’ll need to identify products and product categories that correspond to your interests.
Create the content on the topic that you are interested in.
For example, beauty niche and you do not have any idea or interest in this topic then you may end up creating a boring piece of content.
Which will hurt your business and reduce the traffic to your site.
Do you enjoy home decor?
Write about them.
Create affiliate links for home decor-related products. Many affiliates create review-focused content to promote products directly on their platforms.
While you are not required to take the traditional route, it is always a good idea to keep an open mind about how you want to begin your affiliate journey.

Your domain name should be brandable just like popular platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
You can name your website like BesthomedecorProducts, Ilovefashion, or FitnessCenter to represent the niche and brand.
Consider what search terms the average user would use to locate your website in a search engine and use that keyword in your domain.
Also, be sure to cross-check your name with other websites already on the market.
Set up your website
You need a hosting provider to host your WordPress site.
WordPress, which has a free version, is simple to set up and allows for fast posting.
It is widely used for the distribution of content such as blogs and posts.
Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase both traffic and sales.
WordPress can be installed with a single click on several hosts.
For example, Bluehost, name cheap, hostinger etc.
After you’ve installed WordPress, all you have to do is write an article and blog post related to your niche and provide value to your customers.
Make your website beautiful
You need to design your website in a way that it looks clean and classified.
Users can easily hover over to the things that they are looking for.
While content and design resign quality, it’s becoming increasingly essential among consumers looking for a trustworthy website.
WordPress has several theme choices, which is one of its advantages.
WordPress plug-ins allow you to customise the site as much as you want. Because of the popularity of WordPress, finding knowledge to outsource a job is easy.
It has a large number of templates to choose from, giving you a lot more flexibility and control over the look of your site.
“Add an email marketing tool so you can collect the emails of visitors to your website and follow up with them for other opportunities to show them other products or services they may be interested in buying.
Start writing blogs related to your niche
It’s time to start creating and publishing content.
You need to write regular blog posts in your niche that your customers are searching daily on google.
Write about the problems that they are facing and try to solve them.
This way people will treat you as an authority and come back over and over again to get value.
Do Keyword Research
Finding a suitable niche was the difficult part; keyword research is relatively easy.
You can find number of keywords by following the steps described below:-
Go to the ‘Keywords search’ option on Ubersuggest
Enter a keyword of your product.
You can target these keywords but keep in mind you should target low SEO difficulty keywords.

You can see thousands of people are searching for coffee grinders, coffee beans etc.
You can target these keywords but keep in mind you should target low SEO difficulty keywords.
SEO Optimize your website
SEO isn’t rocket science, but it’s not something we can cover in this article from beginning to end. There are just so many components.
Instead, I’ll discuss two main points to consider, followed by a list of SEO tutorials from the site.
- Create content centres as a first step.
- Content hubs are interconnected sets of content on the same topic.
They are divided into three sections:
- This is a high-level guide about a broad topic on the main page/pillar content.
- Subpages/cluster content: These are detailed guides on specific aspects of the main subject.
- Hyperlinks: These are the links that bind the main page to the subpages. Each subpage links back to the main page, and the main page links to all of the subpages.
Amazon affiliate sites, creating content hubs with a product roundup as the main page and product reviews as subpages is a successful strategy.
From an SEO standpoint, these have some major advantages.
They lead to more keyword-rich internal links between your “wealth” pages, for starters.
Internal link anchor text can help improve rankings because Google uses it to understand what pages are about.
Second, because of the way PageRank operates, all pages in the hub profit from each other’s backlinks.
How do you build them?
Select a product roundup post; provide links to individual product reviews for the products mentioned;
From those reviews, link back to the product roundup page.
Let’s say you wanted to create a content centre around a compilation of the “best coffee grinders.” If you’ve written reviews for any of the items on the list, simply link to them from the hub tab, and vice versa.
Guest Post
This is one of the most powerful ways to boost blog traffic— and you don’t have to pay for it.
Writing guest posts for other blogs will amazingly boost the popularity of your website.
You will show off your knowledge to a receptive audience.
It can also provide an SEO boost by allowing another great site to link back to your blog.
There are a few things to remember when selecting blogs to post to.
The first consideration is the blog’s audience; you must choose a blog that will cater to your specific demographic.
You’ve wasted your time—and some content—if you write for a site that’s do not match in terms of audience.
For example, if you are in the makeup niche whose products are cruelty-free and completely natural then you can ask other skincare brands whose products are also cruelty-free.
Do not reach out to another makeup niche which is completely similar to you.
You can gain visibility by guest posting.
Many websites will allow you to include at least one link in your guest post, and if you’re given a bio, you can link back to your blog.
Always double-check that you’ll get at least one link back to your site so you can direct that free traffic where you want it to go; some sites might have different rules.
Promote your amazon affiliate links in your blogs
Insert your affiliate links in the article or blog post you write.
You can do this with the help of a plugin in WordPress called auto-affiliate links which is completely free to use and you can choose other paid options also that you can use in the future when you are earning enough from your blog.
Create Curiosity
Curiosity is built into our DNA.
We have a natural desire to learn and explore.
And if there’s a little puzzle, our minds want to figure out how to solve it!
Build curiosity to profit from the Amazon affiliate program.
So, how do you use this normal human inclination in your blog posts?
Don’t reveal everything!
Mention in passing that “this thing” helped you while writing the blog.
But don’t mention the item by name; instead, let the reader follow their interest and go to Amazon to learn more about it.
I suggest only using this approach on rare occasions, as doing so too often can result in a poor user experience.
Be consistent
To be a good Amazon affiliate marketer, you must build a wide audience that returns for more content.
Keeping up with the demand is the only way to keep customers coming back.
This is why you must post new content regularly.
Affiliate commissions from Amazon
Affiliates of amazon can choose from three payment options:
Direct deposit:- If you supply Amazon with your banking details, you will receive direct deposits. Before Amazon will deposit the money, you must earn at least $10.
Cheque:- If you include your mailing address, Amazon will send you a check. Cheques have a higher minimum payment. You’ll need to make at least $100 and pay a $15 check processing fee.
Gift Cards:- Gift cards from Amazon will be sent to your primary email address. Amazon will give you $10 as a minimum payment.
Note: Affiliate program earnings are deposited or submitted within 60 days of the calendar year’s end.
You should now have a clear understanding of how the affiliate program of amazon operates and how it can help you.
Although the prospect of earning a consistent income while working from home is enticing, it is important to remember that it is not easy to become a amazon affiliate.
Conversions are the only thing that matters to you.
This means you’ll need to customise the content to increase sales.
People who already have a well-known website or a strong social media following would find this simpler.
This is a far more difficult task for those who choose to start from scratch.
Smart work and perseverance, like anything else in life, will easily propel you to affiliate success.
Want more? No problem!
Read related blogs below
Affiliate Marketing Step- By-Step Guide
How to find best niche for affiliate marketing
How To Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Website – 4 Ways
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